Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What to do when stuck on an assignment? Blog!

Well the weekend was crazy busy! On Saturday I got the food in the slow cooker, we did some housework and went grocery shopping, I managed to squeeze in some studying, and then before we knew it Ivan and Miyuki had arrived for dinner and a catchup. Felt like ages since we'd seen them, and I was trying out a beef and red wine casserole in the slow cooker so who better to have as our taste testers. Thankfully the food was a hit, as was the chocolate cake I'd made for dessert, and we cracked open the yummy wine they'd brought around and sat back and watched a couple of movies, Blood Diamond and Howl's Moving Castle. The night flew and at 1am the guests left and we crawled into bed. We are so old, that's the latest we've been awake for a very long time!

Sunday was Father's Day here in Australia and we were invited over to Mum and Dad's house for lunch. In the morning I did the weekly laundry, tried to study some more, and then we headed over to their house. What looked like it would be a bit of an anxious day due to my Dad actually turned out to be a really lovely afternoon. After dropping Glen home I went to the nursing home to visit Grandma, and then after dinner tried to catch up on a bit more study.

Unfortunately this virus/cold that's been floating around finally got me and I've been at home sick the last two days. What sucks about it is the time off should be conducive to getting lots done, unless ofcourse you're not feeling well and struggling to concentrate. So I have an assignment due Friday and I've only managed 113 words so far. Hoping I can get it done and so that it actually makes sense. There's little point in asking for an extension as I have an even bigger assignment due next week and so this weekend will be spent working on that one instead.

Anyway yesterday I got my fertility test results back. Everything is normal except they need to re-check my progesterone levels so that means more blood tests. Because 4 vials of blood last time just wasn't enough it seems :P

Ok too tiring to sit at the PC much longer. Think it's time to go flop onto the couch and pester my cats...

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