Thursday, September 6, 2012

A slightly healthier Mel

I feel so much better today than I have the last few days. It's amazing how much of a better mood I'm in when I've had a good night's sleep, this virus seems to be passing, and last night I finished off one of my assignments. Such a relief! Today I treated myself to a lymphatic facial at Face It! Massage It! Nail It! at lunch time which my skin desperately needed after all the sugar and dehydration recently.

So tonight, post assignment, I plan on loading up Lord of the Rings Online, my current gaming addiction, and finishing off reading No Country for Old Men, and have a night away from textbooks. It really is the little things that make me happy! Now if only the weather would get back to what we had on the weekend, that would be perfect.

In other news, I decided to buy a cross stitch pattern that I could make for a friend's birthday coming up in November, but this was considered intermediate level rather than beginner. A couple of nights ago I opened up the pattern and then wondered what the hell I'd done. The jump from beginner to intermediate in these patterns is a huge one, I've found. So I decided to give it a crack, and after an hour I think I've only completed 30 stitches and have already stuffed up. Hmm, maybe I can give it to her next year for her birthday instead...


  1. Glad to hear you are feeling better! I like the idea of being able to get a facial during your lunch hour. Might have to get you to email me the details of this place. How long was the facial for?

  2. The one I get is a 30 minute facial but she does all kinds of different ones. I've been going to her for just under a year now. You can look up the business on Facebook or if you can't find it, let me know, and I'll email you the info :)


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