Monday, August 6, 2012

Time is lacking

I can't believe we're already into August. I honestly think there just aren't enough hours in the day! I wake up at bullshit o'clock to get to work, then get home when it's already dark, and by the time we have dinner and watch a little TV there are only a couple of hours before bedtime in which I should be studying. I'm also trying to get back into cross stitching though, as well as reading for pleasure, not just homework. So I was glad we had a relatively quiet weekend planned.

The only plan we had was to go to Mum and Dad's for lunch on Saturday for my Dad's 62nd birthday. Given recent events I was nervous about what we might find when we arrived but I was pleasantly surprised. We turned out to have a great lunch and stayed for a few hours. It was nice to just sit and chat with them.

Aside from the usual weekly chores, the rest of my weekend was really quiet so I got heaps of studying done. Plus the weather was crap so despite the garden needing some attention, that wasn't going to happen. I actually had the time to read ahead a bit, which I think is probably the first time that's ever actually happened lol. I have an assignment to do by Friday but should be able to finish that by tomorrow night as it isn't a big one and I've done the prep work.

So on Sunday I had time to try out one of my new recipes in my new slow cooker, Steak and Stout. The beef and veggies turned out so yummy and soft, although the sauce was a little strong. In future I think I'll strain it out. It added great flavours to the meat but was too strong on it's own without some bread to soak it up. The plan is that I'll do a different slow cooker meal every weekend until we find some favourites :)

As for the baby planning stuff, tomorrow I'm off to the Drs to discuss some tests so time will tell with that one. Fingers crossed!


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