Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Upcoming Father's Day

Father's Day is this Sunday and I am seriously struggling to know what to get my Dad this year. His birthday was just a month ago so getting him another gift so soon after his birthday is tricky. He's hard enough to buy for regularly but with his only interest these days being alcohol, it's proving even more difficult than usual. I wandered around the shops for ages yesterday trying to find something he might like and came out with zero ideas. It was hard enough picking a card to be honest. They all say 'you're the best Dad', or, 'you're a great role model', or, 'you're my best friend' and none of that seems true anymore. I feel bad saying that because I know what he has is an illness but it's how I feel.

In happier news, I can't wait to get my tax return so I can get my next tattoo. At this stage it's looking like happening at the end of September. YAY! Not telling Mum this time lol. How silly, being 33 and still not wanting to tell my mother something.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I'm not getting my Dad anything for Father's Day - not even a card. I am taking him and Mum out for dinner on the Monday instead. My family don't really do the 'celebrate/gift-giving' thing. The only special day we kinda celebrate are birthdays, but even then, my parents forgot my birthday for three years straight in my mid-twenties. Obviously my birth was rather a non-event....

  2. I hope you blackmail them with that!


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