Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Food, glorious food

I've been on this high protein Bodytrim diet for the last 6 and a bit weeks and so far have lost 5.3kg (it was up to 6kg at one point but I've put on in the last few days). The good thing about it is that I haven't had cravings for chocolate until the last few days, but what has surprised me is how much I've been craving bread. I didn't realise just how much of it I was having until I cut it down to one slice of toast in the morning. I also miss cheese, so have been caught overindulging in it when we have the occasional afternoon tea at work, because there's always a cheese platter.

Some benefits so far have been getting regular walks in, not feeling bloated and sick at work after lunch, eating vegetables more regularly, and trying out a few new recipes which are yummy. The downsides are the obvious things like having to be more organised with meals, less flexibility when going out to eat [although the places I've been have either had something on the menu I could have or have been willing to accommodate my weird requests. E.g. At lunch with the girls at Glow Cafe in the city they made me a cajun chicken burger without the burger bun lol] and finding myself thinking about food more regularly. I seem to think about food a lot, hence why there's a whole blog post dedicated to it.

Anyway I'm doing this for me. I got to the heaviest I've ever been and was feeling unhappy within myself and very unhealthy. I still have a long way to go but at least it's going in the right direction, and so far this has proven to be a lot easier than anything else I've tried. Fingers crossed I can stick with it!


  1. You go girl:D!
    It's impressive you've lost more than 5 kg under 2 months!! I haven't measured myself for a long time but I'm sure I've put on a lot of weight from the stress of TAFE homework;p Shame on me!

    I will work on homework tonight again and try to finish them off ASAP so that we will be able to visit you and Glen on Saturday!

  2. No problem Miyuki! If we can't catch up this weekend I'm sure we can soon :)


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