Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A mixed bag

We had a pretty busy weekend just gone, mixed with some good and some bad. Always seems to be the case with us!

On Saturday morning I did the usual weekly washing and then got stuck into my homework now that Uni has started. Unfortunately there's no easing into it seeing as I have to keep working so the weekends are the only time I get to focus for a few hours at a time. Before we knew it, 2:30pm had rolled around and we were off to Ivan and Miyuki's house to meet them before the Pizza Night was due to start. After a chat and waiting for other people, we headed off to Willunga to the Best Pizza Place EVER! This couple has transformed part of their home to host a kitchen, pizza oven and restaurant area and do home made all-you-can-eat gourmet pizzas for $10. Everything was delicious! They grow their own vegetables and make a lot of their own ingredients, with the guy making pizzas of every flavour imaginable and the lady bringing out pizzas constantly so in the end we were all full of lots of delicious pizzas and there were still whole ones untouched. My favourite was the tuna mornay :) But the best thing about the place was the atmosphere. A little family business, really friendly people, and located on a gorgeous property surrounded by rolling hills and views all the way out to the ocean. I can see why Ivan and Miyuki love coming here!

Sunday was the crash back down to Earth. The day started off ok - more homework done, grocery shopping, and a visit to Grandma's. In the evening my Aunt and Uncle from Victoria arrived (they're visiting for a few days) so we had dinner at Mum and Dad's which in itself is a good thing, but unfortunately Dad's returned to the alcohol and wasn't exactly sober. Mind you, he was nowhere near as bad as he has been in the past so that was a blessing I guess. Still, it's hard not to worry (for me, anyway). I already have it in my nature to worry about things I can't control, and so with him I worry constantly. Anyway we'll see how things go in that respect. Despite all that, it's been excellent seeing my Aunt and Uncle, as I always love catching up with them. They were also kind enough to buy us a slow cooker which is awesome as I've wanted one for ages! Can't wait to try it out soon! I already bought a recipe book in my excitement :)

So now it's back to the weekdays and we're plodding along. Tonight we're catching up with the rellies over a cuppa and some cake which will be nice. In other crappy news, I'm not 100% ready to share exactly what's been happening, but we're seeing the Dr about my not getting pregnant yet and news has been mixed thus far, but tests are continuing, so that's been weighing on my mind too. I just want things to work out...

1 comment:

  1. Hope the result will be good...I almost asked you if you had been trying or not on Saturday actually.

    Hope to catch up with you both soon again.

    All the best to you and your wonderful hubby. xxx


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