Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My personal journey

As my 30's kick on, the importance of family, close friends, being comfortable in my own skin, and being happy in my career, have definitely been magnified. 2012 has already been a year of self-reflection and self-discovery, and I'm sure that will continue. To that end, I try each day to be a good wife. Our inability to conceive is constantly on my mind though, and to be honest makes me feel like less of a woman. I just hope something can be done about it soon,so we can continue our journey towards a family. In the meantime, we'll keep going to these appointments with doctors and specialists and I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard.

I'm desperately trying to be better to my family; my sister is now in Tasmania and I miss her terribly, and I need to learn more patience when I speak to her and appreciate the time we have to talk to her more.

I seem to be perpetually studying although am brilliant at procrastinating. I truly hope one day I'll get to write and work in the communications sector, but at this stage I can't see how I can afford a career change, and so I continue my studies without a real plan, but with a very real dream.

Financially, things haven't improved a great deal in the last year, although now I do have a strict budget which is a positive step forward. A lotto win wouldn't go astray though ;)

There's so much more going on but that seems enough reflection for one morning. I tell you, this personal journey definitely doesn't seem to slow down even as priorities change.

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