Monday, November 19, 2012

Favourite things?

One of my friends has started a blog recently (thecookingchook) and amongst her cooking posts has started to list some of her favourite things. This got me thinking that I can't seem to pick favourites lately, apart from my favourite colour (which is purple, by the way). With other things like movies, music, and TV shows, I struggle to even limit what I like into a Top 10 list, because I invariably forget about something I used to love but might not have watched or listened to for a while, and then I have to re-do the list but find I end up with a whole heap.

Actually, that's not entirely true for movies. My favourite film has been and always will be Stand By Me, with Labyrinth a close second. I can't imagine those ever being removed from my Top 2 movies, because they meant so much to me as a child and have carried with them a lot of sentimental value, and I can still sit down and enjoy them, even if I don't laugh as much as I once did while watching them. But beyond those two, the other films are a jumbled mess because it's just too hard to choose.

I've now found the same with trying to reconcile my favourite book. Since its publication in 2005, The Bride Stripped Bare took its spot as my favourite book. I have read it more than any other book and at the time I first read it, it really spoke to me. I re-read it last year and found that, although I still loved some parts of it, I didn't think it was that great and was a bit sloppy in parts. This year I've read quite a few fantastic books which I think are far more worthy of becoming my new favourite, but I simply can't choose one. I think The Bride Stripped Bare might be out of favour though, although I'm sure it'll always hold a special place. But I simply can't be asked to narrow my books into a Top 5 or Top 10 list, it's just too hard!


  1. I got a mention - YAY! The way you get around having to choose favourites, is to make everything your favourite! Problem solvered. My favourite movie of all time is Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory with Gene Wilder. I always watch it when I'm feeling a little down - it always puts a smile on my dial.

  2. That is a good film. I quite liked the Johnny Depp version too but there's that familiarity with the songs in the original that makes it feel more comforting I think :)


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