Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So much crammed into a fortnight

It's been a topsy turvy couple of weeks around our household. There have been more of what seem to be endless blood tests, and a couple of appointments coming up to keep us moving in the 'please let us have a child' quest. The longer this goes on, the harder I'm finding it to stay positive...

We've had a BBQ with some online gaming friends which involved an interstate visitor staying with us a night, which was a genuinely fantastic weekend. The weather was perfect, the company was fun, and the house guest was so easy to take care of. My cat, Kira, made a new best friend, and since he left she's spent a bit of time wandering around the house looking for him.

In much sadder news, some friends of the family had to face the death of their 24 year old son, who died in a motorcycle accident. The funeral was yesterday and it was touching and heart wrenching. I wish I had known him as an adult as he sounds like he was an incredible young man who'd made such an impact on the lives of those he knew. Gone too soon, most definitely. I have noticed that the older I get, the more likely I am to catch up with people at funerals rather than weddings or birthdays or other things. It's happened twice in a month now. Quite a shame, that. Anyway, just an observation...

Today I have my last class at Uni for the year and next week I have my last assignment for the year due. I am looking forward to some time without worrying about homework, to be honest. This weekend we have some friends from Brisbane coming to the Barossa so we'll be spending a day there with them which I am looking forward to. Bring on the Rockford's Black Shiraz!!!

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