Friday, June 15, 2012

I'm a reading machine

I seem to have finished a lot of books lately. It probably helps that they were all really short, but still, it feels nice to get through a few books quickly. This month so far has seen a lot of non-fiction which is a bit unusual for me. I don't mind non-fiction, but I usually find that after reading one, I can't wait to sink my teeth back into some good fiction to lose myself in.

I started off the month reading True Pleasures: A Memoir of Women in Paris by Lucinda Holdforth which would have made a fantastic documentary series. She basically visited key sites in the lives of many famous women in Paris throughout history. The most interesting parts I found in the book were where she was talking about Napoleon and Josephine, and she quoted some of Napoleon's love letters. Wow!! Those letters were amazing. Love letters like that are definitely a lost art. So it got me interested in reading more about Napoleon, someone I haven't read about since high school's Modern European History.

I then moved onto another non-fiction book called A Leg to Stand On by Oliver Sacks, probably best known for writing Awakenings. It was a bit too intellectual for me to be honest. He turned his knee injury into something far more philosophical and most of the time I had no idea what I was reading. I'm sure the more intellectual of my work book club will have much more insightful observations on the book.

After frying my brain on that, I thought I'd return to some fiction so read The Rest of the Robots by Isaac Asimov. This was the first Asimov book I'd actually read despite meaning to for quite some time. It was fantastic. I really, really love the way he writes and have been raving about this book on Facebook already so won't repeat myself too much. But honestly, so well written and written in a style that will never date. Loved it.

I'm now halfway through Adelaide by Kerryn Goldsworthy, probably only of interest to those who grew up or live here because it goes through the city's history, key historical figures and some spots around the city that bring with them some nostalgic moments. I'm enjoying it as a trip down memory lane and also for learning some more about my own city, but limited readership obviously.

Karen has loaned me a book on Napoleon for my next read. Looks like more non-fiction for the time being!

1 comment:

  1. I've also been trying to kick my two book a week habit myself. I'm down to about a book every two weeks, but still, it's hell on my image.


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